
It’s not Addiction, it’s the need to escape reality

Addiction, when one becomes a slave to a substance and is unable to stop without help. The substance takes the brain hostage and the addict loses the power of choice or put simply, control on his mind and body. THIS IS A DISEASE. Also, it begins with the hope that something “out there” can instantly fill up the emptiness inside.


Get therapy for Addiction

What is Addiction? Are you Addicted?

Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm. The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine. A person who cannot stop taking a particular drug or chemical or has a substance dependence is known as an Addict.

Indian survey based on interviews with 5,00,000 people across the nation.

Report estimates that of the 271 million people that used any drug, 35 million that is nearly 13% suffer from a drug use disorder.

Types of addiction - Which one do you have?

To help you understand why you feel the way you feel, we have listed below any type of major addiction:

  1. Alcohol Addiction
    A chronic disease characterised by uncontrolled drinking and preoccupation with alcohol. Alcoholism is the inability to control drinking due to both a physical and emotional dependence on alcohol.

  2. Marijuana Addiction
    Marijuana is a drug acquired from the cannabis plant. The plant is typically dried out, ground up and smoked in paper like a cigarette or in a pipe like tobacco.

  3. Cocaine Addiction
    Cocaine is a white powdery substance that reacts with the body’s central nervous system, producing energy and euphoria. It is most commonly snorted, but can also be smoked or dissolved in water and injected. Cocaine is also referred to as coke, blow or powder.

  4. Ambien Addiction
    Ambien is in a class of drugs known as sedative-hypnotics. Ambien works by activating the neurotransmitter, GABA, which slows down the brain and the central nervous system. Ambien is used to treat insomnia but is only intended for short-term use.

  5. Amphetamines Addiction
    Amphetamine is a central nervous stimulant. Its use results in an increase in certain types of brain activity, resulting in a feeling of higher energy, focus, confidence, and in a dose-dependent manner, can elicit a rewarding euphoria.

  6. Benzodiazepines Addiction
    The drug class known as benzodiazepines is made up of prescription tranquillizers, also called sedatives or anxiolytics. They are prescribed for a host of conditions, such as anxiety disorder or panic disorder.

  7. Treatment-Resistant Addiction
    In this major Addiction, the medication doesn’t work. So, if you are taking medication but it never seems to work, you might have this. Mostly a psychiatrist is needed for this to be cured.

And many more further divided into behavioural and impulsive control disorders like addiction to pornography, stealing or gambling, etc. If you doubt or are sure you have any of these, feel free to tell about it to your counsellor/ therapist.

Symptoms of Addiction- Signs you have Addict


Difficulty in breathing

Tightening of chest

Restlessness, racing heart, tingling sensations

Rapid breathing or breathlessness

Panic attacks

Feeling dizzy, sweaty


Fearing the loss of control on body and mind

Inexplicable need to escape

Feeling unreal or detached from oneself

Disturbing negative thoughts

Feeling like you are going to die or pass out

Knowing you are overreacting but not being able to control it


Escaping/ avoiding people

Feeling messed up and horrible

Avoiding to go to certain places

Not being able to adjust in new situations and having an irrational response to certain situations/ things

Looking here and there and not giving enough attention to a conversation

Voice loss, feeling like you cannot speak

Causes Of Addiction- Why you might be Addicted?

Addiction can happen due to various reasons, some of them are-

Why Us?

How our online counselling and therapy can help...
  1. Makes you aware of the effect or knowledge
  2. Activates your brain scanning and healing-
  3. Helps you leave your addiction with the right medication
  4. Process memories without any influence from the outside world
  5. Taps into the parts of the brain that taps into the neurohormonal response, emotions.

How can we help?

  1. Motivational Enhancement Therapy(MET)-
    In this therapy, the therapist works with the affected person to motivate them from within to not do it. There are a series of steps that are followed in this.  Few of them are developing empathy, differentiating between thoughts and reality, helping the addict become to cope with the resistance.

  2. Behavior therapy-
    In this therapy, the person tries to identify and work on automatic and recurring negative thoughts. In this, they are made to realise how their negative thoughts which might even be far from reality and leading them to reach out to the substance they are addicted to. The therapist works with you actively to recreate a better behaviour pattern.

  3. Family counselling
    This therapy is much like psychotherapy but in this instead of an individual whole family is treated. In this counselling, we help the family understand the unhelpful behaviours and use more of their effective behaviours.  In this way, the whole family gets to help the individual addicted in their family.

  4. Meditation
    Meditation is also a great way to give your body something else something other than the addiction. When this method is coupled with other methods it will help the addict gain more control over body, mind and soul.

  5. Medicines
    Right amount and type of medication are very necessary. Getting an individual off their addiction, especially if it is very severe, cannot be done with just the training of the mind through therapies, medication is required on the side mostly.


    We are here to help you get rid of your addiction and lead a happier and healthier life!

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