Anger Management

Anger doesn’t build anything but it can destroy everything!

Anger is the only emotion that is disliked by anyone and everyone and it is so for a reason. Anger by its very nature is very destructive. It never gives a  solution to anything or helps in building it. It is normal to get a little angry once in a while as, after all, it is an emotion too. However, when it starts happening way too often and the magnitude of it increases, you should understand that you need to do something about it.

What you need is a doctor, therapist who can help you control the anger or release the emotion constructively instead of being harsh on yourself or on others. 


Get therapy for Anger Management

What is Anger? Are you in need of managing anger?

Everyone is aware of how it feels like when you are angry. Mostly, we get angry when we are frustrated when we feel someone is being unjust or we are hurt. However, this is the most evident when your body gives a powerful physical response like an increase in blood pressure, faster breathing. Not only is this not good for your health but it also makes your behaviour aggressive and violent. 

If you can relate to all that we said above then you might need to know the rational and non- threatening, intimidating way to control your anger and not react so impulsively.  

According to a credible source, 80% of youth in India are not able to control their Aggression.

Types of anger issues. Which one do you have?

Anger can manifest in you in different ways! Every type of anger is not expressible. They can majorly be of three types-

  1. Outward- This type of anger is easily recognizable. For instance, when in anger the person could be shouting, breaking things, or even cursing and can even get physically or verbally abusive. 

  2. Passive- This is expressed but indirectly. In this anger type, the person expresses anger by taunting, sulking, or being sarcastic. 
  3. Inward- This is directed to oneself. In this, the person ends up doing negative self-talk, keeps himself/ herself away from being happy with food. The person can even end up isolating or harming himself.  

Symptoms of Anger Management



Red face

Getting violent



No tolerance

Thoughts of self-harm

Feelings of hopelessness


Expressing anger without inhibition

Not being patient at all

Loss of energy

Not able to tolerate if anything goes against their want

Causes Of Anger issues- Why you might have anger issues?

Many things might be causing anger in you. Some of them are-

Why Us?

  1. Be self-aware-The therapist first and foremost will help you become more aware of yourself. So, when you will know what makes you happy, angry, sad or gives joy, you are in a better position to manage your anger.

  2. Dig deep- Sometimes some issues or incidences are left unspoken and buried in one corner of our heart and mind. The therapist will help you in getting over those thoughts by digging deep in understanding what is that worries and triggers anger in you.

  3. Slow down- It is necessary for you to work on the anger by slowing down the pace and frequency. Both these are what a therapist can help you achieve by giving the right therapy as per your cause of anger and other parameters.

  4. Make changes- During the course of therapy very little changes would be made in your routine by the doctor but they will show you great results in managing your anger constructively. 

How can we help?

  1. CBT– In this therapy, the therapist works on your poor anger management tactics like resentment, ineffective expressions, and all these increase anger. This keeps on accumulating, until one day it explodes. This therapy is one of the best as it gives mindfulness training, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and assertive skill-building.

  2. Catharsis- In this, the patient is taught the importance and ways of venting out instead of bottling it up inside of them. This prevents the bottling up of emotions so that the emotions don’t build up a lot of anger inside the patient and it doesn’t come out in a violent way. 

  3. Meditation- As the word, suggests, in this the person is taught meditation so that he can gain more control on his senses and mind, and ultimately anger. The more the person does meditation, the calmer he becomes. 

  4. Acceptance- In this therapy, the patient is made to understand two core things, one is acceptance of what is not in their control and one is committing the actions that help them lead a more enriched and happier life. 

  5. Prayer therapy- In prayer therapy, certain prayers specific to anger are chanted that can help the patient manage their anger and minimize it. They are a form of reappraisal. In this, prayer is also made for the person who has caused you anger. This helps us in regaining control. 

    We are here to help you get rid of your anger issues and lead a happier and healthier life!

     Get in touch With Our Experienced Therapist