Child and Parents

No matter your child is five or fifteen, it's never too late to affix your broken relationship

Building a great parent-child relationship takes hard work and a pinch of love. Even a loving parent is always advised to invest plenty of time to maintain a healthy relationship with his or her children. Often parents face various problems, even after doing every bit they can do. When problems arise between parents and children, the least one can do is not grieving the whole situation. Rather, one should take requisite steps, focus on the exact issues, and rebuild positive relationships with his/her children.


Why Parent-Child Relationship Is Important?

A child’s development is completely based on the parent-child relationship. If your children have a reliable, and consistent relationship with you, nothing can ever stop them to explore and experience the world with a positive outlook.

Your kids saw you first, which ultimately makes you their first teacher. If you fail to treat them nicely, they are probably going to value their other relationships the same way.

Five Common Parent-Child Relationship Problems

  • Lack Of Trust

Normally parents whose kids have made a number of mistakes or who frequently engage in deceitful behaviors find it difficult to trust them.

To rebuild trust in your children, you can:

  1. Teach them the meaning and importance of honesty.
  2. Design a plan to rebuild lost trust.
  3. React emphatically when they speak the truth, even if they say anything wrong.
  4. Now, kids whose parents always lie to them or fail to fulfill their promises also experience a lack of trust issue. In this case, you can gain their trust back by:
  5. Not promising anything you can’t fulfill
  6. Fulfilling promises that you can
  7. Always being sincere with them
  • Lack of Communication

This is one of the biggest contributors to parent-child problems. Often parents feel like their children do not obey anything they say, while children feel like their parents do not agree with them or never listen to what they have to say. When this happens, rather than working harder to communicate, most parents and children just stop talking completely, which further leads to anger, sadness, and a bunch of other negative emotions.

  • Lack Of Respect

The lack of respect can significantly affect your children’s self-respect, leading them to make bad choices. Most importantly, they will even start treating other people poorly. This usually happens when kids start relying less on their parents and more on the world.

  • Codependence

There are times when the parent-child relationship is thrown off balance. The kids feel a need to take care of their parents. This often happens when you expect your children to become more like a friend, listening to your problems, and providing a social outlet for you.

  • Physical & Verbal Abuse

Be it small or big, abuse should be immediately reported. Even good parents can occasionally be guilty of abuse. You may also hit your children during a moment of stress or use words to demean them. If you are putting them down on a regular basis, yelling at them, or telling them they are not good enough, then you should get the right parenting therapies.

If you are not able to solve the aforementioned problems on your own, don’t hesitate to get professional help as soon as possible.

Causes Of Child & Parent Problems- Why you might be facing issues with your kid?

Parental Factors

Family conflict and discord

Parental control is too tight.


Marital conflict, divorce or separation

Maternal depression, including postpartum depression

Parental mental illness

Parental physical illness

Parental alcohol and substance abuse


Social/environmental factors


Neglect and/or abandonment;
adopted children or children from foster homes.

Residential instability.

Child Factors

A chronically ill or disabled child

Undiagnosed psychological or developmental problems – eg, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorders

The difficult temperament of a child and a clash in parenting style.

The fragile emotional temperament of a child.
Peer pressures.

Causes Of Anxiety- What gave you anxiety/ anxiety disorder?

The cause of anxiety is decided primarily by a phobia that one has. However,
Because we cannot go specific, here are some of the common reason due to which phobia is caused.

How our online counseling and therapy can help you:

Knowledge behavior patterns

We provide our clients with the safest place to share any issues. We know you need a good listener and we are one. We know what are the best methods and techniques to protect and rebuild a child and parent relationship.

Healthy coping techniques

We provide therapy and counseling according to the severity of your problem. We know which technique will render the best outcome. Most importantly, we use some effective mechanisms along with some interactive activities that particularly help children to cooperate throughout the therapy.

Positive, generous thought patterns

Our therapists and counselors deal with every client with the utmost positivity. This indeed helps individuals to be positive by the end of the therapy sessions.

    How can we help?

    Here are some treatments to solve child and parents problems
    1. Family Counselling- Counseling is always the best option for parent-child problems. Often both parents & children simply become accustomed to their problems and fail to address them appropriately. But if issues are left unresolved, they can potentially cause bigger problems along the way. Family counseling is a one-stop solution for numerous parent-child issues including the aforesaid 5 problems. The right and experienced counselor will guide and help parents in every possible way to deal with their problems and rebuild their relationships with kids.

    2. Behavior Modification- Behavior modification is a well-known parenting method that uses reinforcement to reward good conduct and discourage undesired ones. The foremost objective of this technique is to address behavior without worrying about the fundamental cause that motivates it. It is an exceptional technique to address numerous behavior issues and shapes them one at a time and help achieve long-lasting behaviors.

    3. Token Therapy- A token economy is a behavior modification approach that uses tokens to encourage the increase of desirable behavior and cut down the unacceptable behavior. Tokens are provided once individuals display the desired behavior. These tokens are collected and ultimately exchanged for a reward, like desired objects or privileges. Token economies provide regular reminders of goals obtained and the promise of a cumulative and high-value reward, which keep both parents and children engaged to improve/strengthen their relationship.

    4. Play Therapy- Play therapy is used particularly for children. This helps children who fail to process their own emotions or explain problems to their parents. This therapy is practiced by numerous mental health doctors across the world. Play therapy helps children to take more responsibility for various behaviors, develop coping strategies & creative problem-solving skills, respect others, alleviate anxiety, and more.

    5. Motivational Parental Therapy (MET)- Motivation is a key factor in parenting. The focus of motivational parental therapy is to encourage parents and children to discover, accept, and change their wrong behaviors. This therapy does not explicitly advocate change, instead, it expresses empathy, rolls with resistance, and supports self-efficacy. Declining addictive behaviors is also a major part of this treatment. MET focuses specifically on a parent/child’s needs, or the exact problems faced by him/her. These sessions are normally short the first time, however, the time can increase/decrease depending on the seriousness of the problems.

    We are here to help you rise above the irrational fear or phobia you are dealing with and lead a normal lifestyle.

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