Fear and Phobia

Fear is unreal, choose to change it now!

Fear is what you create in your mind and when it becomes way too much irrational it turns into a phobia. A type of anxiety disorder itself, the individuals who have it experience an extreme fear which gets triggered from a particular situation, object, place, or living being. 

This fear/ phobia compels the person to imagine a threat which is greater than the actuality and prevents them from leading a normal life or functioning normally. 

What you need is a combination of therapy and medicines to win this battle over fear. 



Get Treatment For Fear/ Phobia

What is Fear/ Phobia? Do you really need treatment for Fear/ Phobia?

We all have one or two irrational fears, like that of water, spiders or the dental checkups. However, for some people, these irrational fears are more than that. These irrational fears sometimes turn into phobia and because of the same they start feeling extremely anxious whenever they see or anticipate something that they are phobic to. The severity of the phobia is so strong that the terror when you see or face the situation or thing in reality, it gets overwhelming, the person can even faint or go breathless. The saddest part of any general or specific phobia you have is that it prevents you from enjoying many things in life. For instance, you may not go to a certain event because you feel your phobia will be triggered. 

If you feel this stands true to your behaviour, then there are high chances that you might be phobic. Don’t worry the first step is to accept that you have some sort of phobia and then our therapists our here to help you move past it! 

According to a recent study, specific phobias affect almost 19 million of the population and the symptoms begin in childhood.

Types Of Phobias- Which one do you have?

To help you understand which anxiety disorder type you might have, we tell you below some of the major ones.

Fear of public speaking—an extremely common phobia—is a type of social phobia. Other fears associated with social phobia include fear of eating or drinking in public, talking to strangers, taking exams, mingling at a party, or being called on in class.

  1. Animal phobia- In this, an individual can have a phobia from a reptile, animals like snakes, dogs, lizard, spider, etc..
  2. Natural environment phobias- This relates to the fear of heights, water, darkness, basically things that are related to environmental factors.
  3. Situational phobias- This phobia is the one wherein the fear of flying, bridges, closed spaces or driving and such is there.
  4. Injection- injury phobia- As the name suggests, this phobia is related t the fear of injections, needles.
  5. Social Phobia- In this the person avoids social gatherings because he fears humiliation, feels underconfident and conscious of oneself.

Symptoms of Fear/Phobia- Signs you have Phobia


Difficulty in breathing

Tightening of chest

Restlessness, racing heart, tingling sensations

Rapid breathing or breathlessness

Panic attacks

Feeling dizzy, sweaty


Fearing the loss of control on body and mind

Inexplicable need to escape

Feeling unreal or detached from oneself

Disturbing negative thoughts

Feeling like you are going to die or pass out

Knowing you are overreacting but not being able to control it


Escaping/ avoiding people

Feeling messed up and horrible

Avoiding to go to certain places

Not being able to adjust in new situations and having an irrational response to certain situations/ things

Looking here and there and not giving enough attention to a conversation

Voice loss, feeling like you cannot speak

Causes of Fear and Phobia

The cause of anxiety is decided primarily by a phobia that one has. However,
Because we cannot go specific, here are some of the common reason due to which phobia is caused.

Why Us?

  1. Our therapists work with you to help you identify the triggers list them one after the other and then build a fear ladder. This ladder encourages the phobic person to take one step at a time to overcome their fear.
  2. The therapists are there to make you challenge your negative thoughts. For example- If you have a fear that as soon as you will enter the lift than the contradiction to it would be that everyone else is using the elevator too and it is safe.
  3. The counsellor will also make you use your senses so that you learn how to control and release the anxiety you have!

How can we help?

  1. CBT-
    Cognitive behavioural treatment is a way to teach the patient how they can separate anxiety from their phobia. Irrational thinking patterns are spotted and they are being challenged. The patients are also supported by some methods of behaviour so that they can reduce anxiety. Usually, til the 5th session, the patients start showing apparent improvements.

  2. Hypno Therapy-
    In this therapy, the patient is put in a very relaxed environment, in a hypnotic state. They will then take you through the phobia hypothetically when the thoughts can be controlled by the therapist. Initially, both may spend time in going to the root cause. In the later part, the other techniques are used to change the response while being in a calm state of mind.

  3. Logo Therapy-
    This therapy is required to give the patient to discover their purpose. This therapy helios them create distance from their emotional and overwhelming feelings and anxiety. Self detachment is taught in this so that the patient can tap on a new depth within.

  4. Desensitisation Therapy-
    In this therapy, the patient is introduced to a muscle relaxation technique, meditation and some breathing exercises that can help him deal with the response to his phobia. The phobia response with fear is substituted by a response of relaxation.

  5. Medicines-
    Beta-blockers, antidepressants and tranquillizers are some of the major sources of medicines are some of the major ones that are prescribed by professional in moderate dosage if required after analysing the phobia and its adversity.

    We are here to help you rise above the irrational fear or phobia you are dealing with and lead a normal lifestyle.

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