Sleep Issues

Enough sleep is necessary to forget issues and wake up fresh


Not taking a good night sleep can happen due to multiple factors but more than that it can also aggravate stress and destroy your routine work and life. It gets hard when you have sleep issues to deal with it but not impossible. Now that you have taken the right step to control your sleep issues. Let us help you with therapy, medicines and counselling so that you can regain control on your life.

What you need right now is a combination of the above-mentioned things or one alone to sleep better and we can help you with that.

Get Therapy for sleep issues

What are sleep issues? Do you really need therapy for it?

Sleep issues mean that you have trouble sleeping enough. While it can happen because of work too, when it happens because of stress, overthinking and leads to insomnia, it can turn into a big problem. Ideally, it is suggested to sleep for a good 7-8 hours, if you are sleeping any less than 6-5 hours, it is considered as a major sleep issue.

So, yes if you are sleeping so less or not at all, you need therapy or a mild medication for it. The doctors try various methods to analyse the root cause and work with you on it.

A study revealed the percentage of insomnia to be as high as 33% among adults in India alone.

Symptoms of Sleep Issues



Feeling dizzy

Racing heartbeat

Feeling lazy

Feeling sleepy


Muscle tension

Taking naps

Fatigue and irritation




Making excuses

Staring sky sadly

Not being able to focus

Illogical thoughts

Public speaking fear

Not able to prioritize

No motivation


Bad mood

Feeling numb

Crying a lot

Bad temper

Racing thoughts


Getting cranky

Not laughing much


Causes of Sleep issues- Why do you have it?

It is important to know the causes of sleep issues as it impacts your whole routine in more ways than one. Only after fixing these issue will you be able to live a happy life and be really in the moment.
There are various issues that cause sleeplessness, however, here are some of the major ones that call for therapy and medication highly.

Why Us?

  1. Correct your sleep pattern- Many times the problem also happens because of a wrong sleep pattern and position. Our therapists make sure that they talk to you about everything related to your sleep from scratch so that they can guide you and correct every minute thing that is impacting your sleep even the lights, time and environment you sleep in and the amount of physical activity you do.
  2. Take enough sleep- Our psychologists have a series of therapies that they choose very carefully out of. This way they are able to help you improve the sleep hours and finally be able to sleep well enough to wake up afresh every morning and lead a normal life. Whether it is the environmental factors or the psychological factors, or physical or medical, they have a solution.
  3. Observe a lasting impact- Our therapists and highly professional doctors make sure that treatment so effective is given to you that you never have to deal with sleep issues ever again! The impact is lasting enough, after the treatment, you would know how to take control of what is affecting your sleep.

How can we help?

  1. Medicine- Doctors, first of all, ask you your medical history and understand the sleep issue causes so that they can suggest you the right dosage. For instance- If there is extreme sleep deprivation due to physical pain then only the right medicine is given for that.

  2. Witness therapy- In this therapy, if you have sleep issues due to some psychological problem like anxiety, depression then you are asked to share the incident or trauma you have bottled inside of you. The listener who is the witness to give a political view on the situation when the patient narrates it. The therapists help the patient see the situation rationally just like he is as a witness.

  3. Diary entry-As the word suggests, in this, the patient is asked to journalise his thoughts and whatever he or she is overthinking about in the diary itself. So, that he or she can vent out, feel better and fall asleep. However, this is used at the initial stage or with the patients whose condition is not that severe.

  4. Gratitude- Sometimes we forget to remind ourselves of how blessed we are and focus way too much on all the negatives. This practice is done mostly with every patient along with others to keep reminding them od how blessed they are and that as much as there are things to be sad about, there are equally good or more things to be thankful about too.

  5.  Hypnotherapy- So, when an individual finds it hard to stay positive, this therapy is used. In this, the person is hypnotised and during that whole time,he is guided through suggestions and images to be more positive about whatever it is that he is dealing with in life. This helps the person in sleeping well immensely.

    Get ready to not nap but sleep well just like you used to once!

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