Stress Management

It’s not stress but our reaction to it that kills us!

Yes, it can be hard to explain what you feel, why you feel, how you feel. You might have mustered up the courage to talk to someone about it only to realise how inexplicable what you feel is or how unempathetic people around are.

What you need is someone to listen to your agony, and help you rise above it.

Get Counselling for Stress Management

What is stress management? Do you really need it?

Stress management, as the word suggests, tells you the ways to deal with stress and not vanish stress from your life. Doing so is practically impossible as stress naturally happens as a reaction to any change. It is okay to have some level of stress because it is ultimately a part of your life. However, it becomes a matter of concern when individual experiences it at such a high degree due to multiple factors like responsibilities, anger,  and other things that it starts impacting our happiness & health.

So, you need stress management if you are observing a constant change in your happiness and mood. In this, you will be taught positivity and self-care. You are also taught the right way to calm yourself down, relax, increase your concentration to stay happier and healthier ahead.

About 89% of the population in India say they are suffering from stress compared to the global average of 86%.

Symptoms of Stress Management- Signs you are Stressed!




Racing heartbeat

Stress eating

Bad dreams, nightmares


Muscle tension





Test anxiety


Blaming self and others

Staring sky sadly

Not being able to focus

Illogical thoughts

Anxiety- public speaking

Not able to prioritize

No motivation

Making excuses


Bad mood

Feeling numb

Crying a lot

Bad temper

Racing thoughts

Feeling defensive

Getting cranky

Not laughing much



Causes Of Stress- Why you might be stressed?

Knowing what exactly s causing stress in your life is very important. It is only then that you can understand why and how your body is reacting to it the way it is. Many times, stress is related to work, ageing, parenting, pregnancy, relationship, menopause.
So all in all, stress can happen due to various reasons, some of them are-

Why Us?

  1. Get going- Increasing the level of activities you do can help in relieving stress to a great extent. For instance, exercising can increase the blood circulation and thus your mood and feel-good hormones as well. So, the counsellor recommends you exercises like running, jogging, swimming or walking and requests you to practice them mindfully and focus on the sensations they create on your body.

  2. Connect with others- Sometimes we are stressed only because we feel alone and hence it is important for us to connect with others to relieve whatever is causing us stress. Social life and friends who understand us really are a necessity. So, the therapists encourage you to have a social circle, build a better circle if the current one is also a reason for stress.

  3. Follow a healthy diet routine- Diet plays a major rule in our lives and impacts not just our appearance but also the way we feel. So, a healthy diet is also recommended to you which has less or no convenience food, sugar, refined carbohydrate etc. These can worsen your condition.

  4. Relax well- During the course of your appointment, the counsellor will also guide you through the ways to calm your emotions. It involves yoga, deep breathing, meditation. All these, when practised daily for some time, can boost the feeling of serendipity and tranquil.

  5. Engage your senses-The counsellor helps you in analysing which sense gives you pleasure the most. Do you feel good when you listen to good music or a particular food taste or aroma helps you lift your spirit? We all have one sense that helps us with the stress, the counsellor experiments and then makes you aware of the best.

How can we help?

  1. Chakra healing-
    A human body has 7 chakras, they are, root, navel, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown. So, therapy is given to balance the flow of energy in all of these chakras in order the decrease anxiety levels and reduce stress.

  2. Gratitude-
    Sometimes the clients aren’t stressed because of any very serious downfall or issue in their life but because they compare themselves to others a lot. So, in this method, our experts help clients in realising how well of they are and why they should be extremely grateful and thankful for the things they have.

  3. Acceptance therapy- In this therapy, the art of acceptance is taught. The client is encouraged to accept what he thinks, feels rather than avoiding it or trying to fight a battle with it. Usually, there is denial because the client is guilty of something. When coupled with mindfulness, this therapy turns out to be a really effective one.

  4. Witnessing therapy- In this therapy, the client is asked to witness the trauma or bad incident that keeps worrying him/ her and causes them stress. This is especially for individuals who are a survivor of trauma, rape, molestation and such. The client is made to narrate and witness the incident in his/ her mind otherwise such incidents keep running in the back of their mind and haunt them for life.

  5. Play therapy-
    Not just adults, teenagers but children also deal with stress. Play therapy is a special way to help children identify their emotional and social ordeal and then the therapist works on helping the child communicate better, build better problem- solving skills, shift their behaviour and turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

  6. Medicine- Therapies and talk cannot provide a wholesome solution to stress. Giving the right medicines to the client can help them get results fast and permanent. So our therapists also suggest the medicines in moderation to make the client better at stress management swiftly.